Apr 23, 2021
The 68th installment of the Truth About Vintage Amps with special guest Jef Brown!
Use the discount code TRUTHV150FF to save $15 off Caddis readers between now and April 30, 2021.
Some of the topics discussed this week:
7:30 The details you should never annoy your amp tech with
12:23 El Pato references, explained; the
Apr 13, 2021
TAVA Discounts: Use the discount code THETRUTH10 to save 10% off your order from Amplified Parts between now and April 15, 2021.
Use the discount code TRUTHV150FF to save $15 off Caddis readers between now and April 30, 2021.
The Truth About Vintage Amps' Skip Simmons and Jason Verlinde talk to Anthony Coscia, who...
Apr 9, 2021
The 67th installment of the Truth About Vintage Amps!
TAVA Discounts: Use the discount code THETRUTH10 to save 10% off your order from Amplified Parts between now and April 15, 2021.
Use the discount code TRUTHV150FF to save $15 off Caddis readers between now and April 30, 2021.
Highlights: Capacitor talk (leaking and...