Feb 5, 2020
Amp tech Skip Simmons is once again fielding guitar tube amp questions from around the world.
Submit your question to Skip here: podcast@fretboardjournal.com or, better yet, leave us a voicemail or text at 509-557-0848.
Pre-order today: The Truth About Vintage Amps Two-Prong hat collaboration from Manbroidery and Ebbets Field Flannels (link)
This week’s sponsor: Grez Guitars (link)
Some of the topics discussed on this episode:
2:13 Skip gets a $25 guitar; Jason goes to NAMM
11:05 Marc Silber’s inventory
14:16 Skip meets Grez
17:43 Tyler wins of our Union Bean Counter Tone Druid pedal
giveaway (correct answer: Tom Waits)
19:17 Tyler’s fish taco recipe (email us)
20:29 A very clean Fender Tweed Deluxe
22:00 Joe Craven and Bruce MacMillan covers the Dead
23:24 Australians respond to Skip’s Robert Hughes query
23:51 More on Brent’s bargain Variac with a current meter hack
26:46 Leaving an amp on for a week
29:33 Vintage wire that just won’t solder
31:33 The Fender Greta as a pre-amp
34:02 The JHD Ice Cube Sustain Coupler (link)
37:43 The dangers of running an effect between an amp and a speaker
38:43 Changing a 1952 Gibsonette GA-8 from a field coil to regular
magnetic speaker
42:30 Increasing the headroom on a Peavey Classic 50
45:45 Substituting a 5Y3 with a 5V4 in a 5E3 Deluxe
49:16 A 1950s Gibson GA-6 with an adapter for a 12AX7 pre-amp tube;
more rectifier tube talk
51:50 Marshalls versus Fenders and the difference between 6V6/6L6
and an EL34/EL84
54:26 A Canadian Gibson Falcon that needs a massive overhaul
55:47 Choosing an amp for re-heating food
59:49 Little Charlie’s Chile Colorado, revisited
1:02:05 Export model Silverface Fenders
1:04:16 Questions on Angela’s Super Single-Ended Amp